Monday, November 30, 2009

Friday I'm In Love

Due to the epic tale of "The Flu That Stole Thanksgiving" I found myself celebrating that blessed holiday (that I honestly have no idea about- thank you pilgrims for something... IGNORANT) a day late. But considering I really had no idea what I was doing, let's be honest once more and state that I know more about Slapsgiving than Thanksgiving, it seemed ok to postpone the celebratory yam session.

And it was well worth it.

Combining the fabulousness of pouring endless amounts of brown sugar on a vegetable (yes, yes, I only just figured out that a yam is in fact a sweet potato), with the biggest turkey I've ever seen in my entire life, CINNABON, and the wonderful, wonderful shopping extravaganza known as Black Friday (yes I needed another iPod, it was on BLACK FRIDAY SALE, and all my tunage doesn't fit on my other three. Don't judge me), we had quite the "Thanksgiving"

Yep. I liked it. Look out Australia, this time next year I'm making you all turkey and sugar covered vegetables.

Sugary sugary vegetables.

Anyway. All I really care about is the fact that Janelephant will be here in eleven American sleeps. And I'll be seeing Jared Leto in one.


"I don't care if Monday's blue, Tuesday's grey and Wednesday too. Thursday I don't care about you, It's Friday, I'm in love. Monday you can fall apart. Tuesday, Wednesday break my heart. Oh Thursday doesn't even start, It's Friday, I'm in love... You can never get enough, enough of this stuff, It's Friday, I'm in love." THE CURE

Thursday, November 26, 2009

The Fever

Of course I'm sick on Thanksgiving. Boo. I'm so not thankful for that. Not even a little bit.

But I am thankful for the ability to snuggle up in sweat pants on the couch with pink lemonade to watch THE MACY'S THANKSGIVING DAY PARADE. I have a new goal in life. I want to be IN the parade. Maybe not as a giant balloon. But. I need to get on one of those floats and wave. I just gotta.

Til then, I guess I have these things to be thankful for...

-15 sleeps til I get to jump on Janelephant
-Starbucks holiday drinks
-2 more episodes of GLEE
-Jacob Black
-21 sleeps til Chrismukkah begins
-My parentals
-5 sleeps til I'll be standing in the same room as Jared Leto
-Snickers Ice Cream Bars
-35 sleeps til Mayer Hawthorne & John Mayer help us ring in The New Year in Vegas
-Black Friday Sales
-Never having to see that gross guy from Johnny Rockets ever again
-7 nights at the Hard Rock Hotel in Las Vegas baby
-Scrubs season 8
-Big Red
-Owl City's Ocean Eyes

And lastly... Absolutely everyone and everything I took for granted back home. I love you. I miss you. And I now appreciate you more than ever. And as much as I love this crazy country, I can't wait to get back to you.

"When the summer is gone it won't be long til someones got the fever creeping inside. When the city is moving and the eyes of yours are moving and you just can't stop, you just can't fight it!" THE ACADEMY IS...

Monday, November 16, 2009

High Times

Well it's been awhile between drinks...

But it's been worth it.

I've pretty much spent the last week at the airport. First stop, Cowboy Land, TEXAS. I'd love to tell you stories about mechanical bulls and ridiculously high cowboy boots, but unfortunately, all I really saw was the inside of Chillis, Walmart and our hotel... The joys of travelling for work.

But never fear. ARIZONA is here. Or at least, I was there. Enter the best weekend ever created.

So so so friggen good to hang out with Jeremiah and his Mrs... (or as they are now, and forever will be, Mama Bear & Papa Bear) Between hitting up some Saved By The Bell action, $1 drink specials, In & Out (animal style y'all), Tootsie Rolls, the best burritos known to man kind, a quaint little Landon Pigg show, the worst episode of SNL ever, a killer party playlist, the car wash dance, and the biggest Corona I have ever seen, well, I'm gonna go ahead and say it was perfection at it's finest. Needless to say, I think I might run away from my host family and hide from immigration in Mama and Papa's hot tub.


And by met, I mean stalked. Quite possibly the sweetest person alive. One day will wed. Until then, I'm just gonna go to sleep watching Whip It every night.

Quotes that sum up the trinity of party:

"You should take a picture of my foot, cause it's wasted."-Mama
"My beer's a man eater"-Papa
"We should get some burritos and just leave em in the car"-Mama
"I'm so Edward Cullen"-Baby
"It's called the Jonas brother disco stick!"-Mama
"When you've got something to say, just twitter bitch it!"-Papa
"Rinse your mouth out with cactus."-Mama

"And I wish I could explain, but I just ain't got the time, so I'll show ya, watch out now, here it goes!" LANDON PIGG

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Waiting For This

Let's travel back in time, shall we?

Way back before I had a clue about anything. Way back before I discovered the art of a full scalp bleach, a mani pedi, Mac Cosmetics, Steve Madden, other alcoholic beverages than UDL's, Brunswick Street, iTunes & iPods & iPhones... Way back before I found all the things that made me ME.

Way back before drama. There was Hanson.

Year 9. 14 years old. My room was covered, roof to floor, wall to wall, in Taylor Hanson. I donned Hanson apparel, accessories, my first house key was attached to my Hanson keyring, I owned every Smash hits, TV Hits, Popstar, Albums, Singles, Videos (yes, pre DVD era)

I was obsessed. And slightly unbalanced.


My first love. tells me that the meaning of love is, "a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person."

And that pretty much sums up my second year of High School.

So when they toured Australia a few years later, I found myself thinking I was way too good to go see them. (and by too good, I mean too embarrassed) I had moved on. I had fallen out of love.

But that's the thing about first love. There's something about it. Every love there after stands to be compared. And in comparison, future loves never quite make the cut.

So here I am. In Denver, Colorado, 12 years later, returning unabashedly to my first love. Yes. That was me. Front row last night at the Ogden Theatre, hyperventilating as Taylor Hanson reached down to take my hand. Breathe.

It's pretty easy to get lost in the crap our lives are made up of. But if I could go back to that 14 year old girl, before she faced many a heart break, I'd tell her to enjoy the good moments. No matter how cheesy and lame they may seem, if those moments make you smile, well, just smile. Cause those cheesy, lame dreams may just come true.

Even if it's 12 years too late.

"Without a doubt girl you're ahead of your time... Cause I know that you've been thinkin' bout it, and I know they think you're out of your mind. All of this time, I know that you've been waiting for this." HANSON

Sunday, November 1, 2009


I like Halloween.

I've always liked Halloween, but Halloween in the USA. Well. It's slightly better. And by slightly, I mean a whole lot.

Halloween Eve was spent with MJ in Imax, quite possibly one of the greatest/most devastating films of all time. After every 5 minutes, Elisha and I just looked at each other in disbelief that we would never see the man live. (and then proceed to laugh at the tools who would burst into applause sporadically)

By the way, dinner at the OUTBACK, unable to get drinks cause my ID was AUSTRALIAN. Yeh that makes sense.

And then there was Halloween. October 31st, I like you. We made Jack O Lantern pizza. And by "made" I mean, I got in the car, put on some Death Cab and went to the pizza store, picked it up, and put it in the oven. I was so sad to slice it up, cause it was so pretty. Trick or Treaters were TOO CUTE. Little munchkins in their Star Wars and Ghost Busters costumes. Priceless.

And then we were off. Wig. Check. False Eyelashes. Check. Fangs. Check. The GLAMPIRE & The SAILOR were ready to hit downtown. Starbucks cups in hand, it was taxi time. (and thanks to Nastia's brilliant idea from last weekend, there was no actual Starbucks in said cups) We beat the system! Danced all night, Petrone in hand, met some "interesting" people, saw some "interesting" costumes, and pretty much had a really good time. Hooray.

Hershey's Candy Corn Kisses are the best things ever.

"I've got a halloweenhead. Head full of tricks and treats, it leads me through the night time streets..." RYAN ADAMS