Monday, December 21, 2009

Colorado Sunrise

Ahhhhh Colorado, it's good to be back. Like really really good. Even better since Janelle's by my side. We like kickin' it snow style.

So I'm pretty sure she's loving it so far. I'm basing this conclusion on the fact that almost everyday she says "that was the best day ever" and also the fact that whenever we drive around a corner and she sees a new mountain or a fresh patch of snow she utters an almost breathless "wow"

So between a private serenade from the Casa Bonita Mariachi Band, The Johnny Night: Johnny Rockets followed by our new best friend Johnny at The Hard Rock swinging us free "Johnny's High School Reunion" cocktails, resulting in a hilarious "movie night with Bella", a superbly entertaining basketball game courtesy of the out of time band and the out of sync cheerleaders, Elisha & Dan's Chili's initiation, the most gangster night of our lives- complete with Colorado locals Meese & 3Oh!3 shimmying while they woot wooed, a trek up to the mountains to buy a mountain load of Mac cosmetics before free falling with MJ, JT, Guns 'N' Roses & obviously Tom Petty playing in the background as we tubed down the crazy snow covered mountains (nice snow-ver-alls Elisha), and last but certainly not least, stumbling upon a copy of the not yet released 500 Days Of Summer... Well I guess I'd have to agree with her. That was the best day ever. Wow.

And apart from all of that, the 9 days of Chrismukkah have begun. 8 days of presents, followed by 1 day of many presents. We are up to day 5, and our gifts for each other so far have been freakishly similar. We know each other way to well. More presents tomorrow, hooray!

Happy Holidays People!

Be safe & be happy... and be jealous, cause we are having too much fun.

"And as long as it's ok with you I think I'll stay right here... Happy as a clam I see the glimmer in your eyes, hold you through the night and watch that Colorado sunrise." 3OH!3

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

City Of Blinding Lights

Janelephant is HERE!

After a hideously delayed flight, a missed bus to NYC, and a lot of "oh my gah, I can't believe you're here" we managed to use our little aussie accents and get ourselves on a later bus.. and we were on our way. Hello 4:30am, it's time to fall asleep, only to wake up to..

"Are you sure, it might've just been a big bank." -Dan.

We had arrived.

Ah yes. Time for some Starbucks. Holiday drinks all round. We had a killer day. After we were successfully caffeinated, we made our way to The Empire State Building. Seriously. Good View. On so many levels. (Right Janelle?!) And then we roamed around aimlessly, just taking it all in. NYC just gets better & better with every second. Hard Rock Cafe Times Square. Oh yeh. And dude. That is one seriously massive Christmas Tree. And the amount of people lining up to see it- MADNESS. So so so good to see KAT & SHHAMES. Especially loved stumbling across the rooftop bar & stealing someones private table. Ha. But nothing beats the cowboy bar. Except for maybe everything in the whole world. Too funny. We'll always have thermals. Cocktails at Planet Hollywood with Robert Pattinson's hand prints. Ah yes. Again.

Sleeeeeeeeeeeeep. Big shout out to Papa Smith for hooking us up with a massive kick ass hotel room on the Brooklyn Bridge. Holla!

Morning Snapples in Central Park, kickin it in the rain, followed by an OH SO ROMANTIC carriage ride. I proposed. She said no, due to the fact that she likes boys and I'm her cousin. Fair. And then... 5th avenue. Hello most amazing window displays in the universe. Oh. I'm in love. Tiffanys is like soooooooo much bigger and better in NYC. We tried so much on, took lots of snaps, and spoiled ourselves. Sorry credit card. Then some wining and dining at Trump Towers. There is something incredible about purchasing a bottle of water with Donald Trump's face on it. YOU'RE FIRED. Taxi! Last stop, Broadway. I'm gonna say it, Rock Of Ages was the best musical I've ever seen. Songs by Journey, Bon Jovi, Mr Big, Pat Benatar, Europe, Starship, Foreigner, Poison & REO Speedwagon. We were in our "I wish we had been teenagers in the 80's" element.

I've said it before. But this time I mean it.




Janelle- welcome to America...

"And I miss you when you're not around, I'm getting ready to leave the ground.. Oh you look so beautiful tonight, In the city of blinding lights." U2

Friday, December 4, 2009


It's not what you think.

California MD.

Once again, no, not what you think. I'm not talking about a doctor named California.

California, Maryland...

It's where my host family has been re-located. And I'm so bored. It's pretty. But that's about it. It looks like Forks. But let's be honest ladies, Forks without The Cullens and Jac-abs, is just a forest. And I haven't spotted any Twi-like talent as yet. This place makes me LONG for an afternoon at Marion. Yes, Marion. THERE IS NO MALL HERE. Boo.

So, I'm done. They're gonna try and find me a new host family to work for, but if they can't... Well, then I'll be seeing you a little sooner than expected Australia. I love the USA, but there is no way in hell I gave up a year of cuddles with my baby Gugs, a house on the beach & the bestest friends imaginable for this place. Ef that.

So stay tuned for updates, DG may be coming to a city a near you soon!

"Distance ripped us farther and farther and farther away... I'll see you soon, just say that you want to see me too. Come back from California." COPELAND

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Was It A Dream?

I just met Jared Leto.






My brain is about too explode.

Jordan Catalano was most certainly the inspiration for the title of my blog. I cannot believe after 15 years of adoration I just met him. The world spins right tonight. Happy.

So clearly I just got back from the 30 Seconds to Mars show. And I don't even know what to write. So I'll just say this. Everything was perfect. The Kill acoustic. Then The Kill not so acoustic. Kings & Queens was one of the best songs I have ever heard live. Without a doubt. Jared's vocal was flawless. A Beautiful Lie blew my mind. And as I hovered/stalked/waited patiently outside it began to snow. It was positively beautiful. I love these little moments of perfection.

"Was it a dream? Was it a dream? Is this the only evidence that proves it..." 30 SECONDS TO MARS