Sunday, November 1, 2009


I like Halloween.

I've always liked Halloween, but Halloween in the USA. Well. It's slightly better. And by slightly, I mean a whole lot.

Halloween Eve was spent with MJ in Imax, quite possibly one of the greatest/most devastating films of all time. After every 5 minutes, Elisha and I just looked at each other in disbelief that we would never see the man live. (and then proceed to laugh at the tools who would burst into applause sporadically)

By the way, dinner at the OUTBACK, unable to get drinks cause my ID was AUSTRALIAN. Yeh that makes sense.

And then there was Halloween. October 31st, I like you. We made Jack O Lantern pizza. And by "made" I mean, I got in the car, put on some Death Cab and went to the pizza store, picked it up, and put it in the oven. I was so sad to slice it up, cause it was so pretty. Trick or Treaters were TOO CUTE. Little munchkins in their Star Wars and Ghost Busters costumes. Priceless.

And then we were off. Wig. Check. False Eyelashes. Check. Fangs. Check. The GLAMPIRE & The SAILOR were ready to hit downtown. Starbucks cups in hand, it was taxi time. (and thanks to Nastia's brilliant idea from last weekend, there was no actual Starbucks in said cups) We beat the system! Danced all night, Petrone in hand, met some "interesting" people, saw some "interesting" costumes, and pretty much had a really good time. Hooray.

Hershey's Candy Corn Kisses are the best things ever.

"I've got a halloweenhead. Head full of tricks and treats, it leads me through the night time streets..." RYAN ADAMS

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